Monday, April 27, 2009

It seemed like a good idea!

WELL it seemed like a good idea at the time! I always loved water balloon fights when I was growing up so the boys received these for a Easter gift and have been BEGGING every since to have a water balloon fight. So we did. It started off fun but things went down hill very fast. First Josh decided he would play too :) and hit Landry with a balloon on his neck and that ='d crying. So Landry got mad and decided to get about a foot away from Kade and hit him in the belly and that ='d screaming and a blister on his belly. That also in turn ='d Landry getting into some serious TROUBLE. Well like I said we tried - they have had water ballons before but it seemed to go alot smoother than this :)


  1. HAHA! Kinda reminds me of Ryan's 1st birthday party ~ Oops!

  2. I can't imagine who bought them water baloons! I guess thank Aunt BB for that ;( Sorry

  3. typing stinks...I mean balloons!
